Monday, September 25, 2006


Well, as I type this the New Orleans Saints are hosting the Atlanta Falcons in the Superdome. This is the first game played there since Katrina. Close to 185 million was spent on the dome. I know there is the whole argument "this will bring tourism to town" and that it gives locals jobs....
I just don't know about this. I am sure there is truth to that, but what about the people that don't have running water or their lights aren't turned on yet? HMMM
Then there is the mayor of Louisiana. Don't even get me started on that freak. Well, at least he didn't try and take credit for rebuilding the dome. Maybe he can rebuild the city....
Well, this has been my political commentary on this matter.
P.S. Can't we all just get along?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Ok people....One more day till 2 great shows start back ........This is some "good tv."
There should be some good laugh'n.....

Monday, September 18, 2006


I am very excited about the new season of THE OFFICE. This is the best show on TV. If you did not watch last season you need to buy the 1st and 2nd season on DVD.... ( I don't have it, but will gladly take that from anyone who wants to buy that for me for Christmas!! HA )

Saturday, September 16, 2006


A friend from church came over today, and we tiled the bathroom ourselves. One bathroom done...One to go. At this rate maybe next spring we will be done?? HA

We had a nice and lazy day today. Waking up I noticed Parker had slid into our bed early this AM. Well, about 7:30 I was getting up, because Matt was coming over to help me tile. Parker was awake too, and he said he was sick. Shortly after that he started the wonderful act of throwing up.............IN OUR BED. "How special!" It was quite nice how "the droppings" of throw up led to our bathroom. You gotta love parenthood!
Well, did I mention we washed ALL the bedding on our bed????

I never left the house today. It was great. Parker had a slight fever most of the day, so we kept a low profile. We "just hung around" the house. Several episodes of Curious George and Tom and Jerry always makes a sick child better.

I made some home made vegetable soup and corn bread, and it was yummy. Michelle made a yummy dessert that we had at my sisters in KY.

Our kids our really into knock knock jokes. (Aubrey's teacher does knock knock jokes in her class just for fun) Anyway, we were kind'a like a "high tech" Clever household tonight...We were all sitting on the sofa as I surfed the net looking for knock knock jokes. After finding them I would say them to the boys (and Chelle)....they laughed from their toes. Fun was had by all. It was a fun time for the fam. (speaking of has been a while since I've watched What about Bob)
Didn't "DO" a lot...but had a great time today with Michelle and the kids. I guess these type of days are needed.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Grammatically Correct

A mind is a terrible thing to waste........or should I say a waste is a terrible thing to mind...HA
Anyway, I often find myself correcting my children when it comes to incorrect words in a sentence. I just want them to be prepared to be productive citizens for the world! Whatever, right?
Anyway, I guess my urging of them using correct English has paid off. Please allow me to explain. The other day at school, Parker's (the 4 year old) teacher was going over some "rules" she has for class when she asked them "what is Ms. Eileen's # 6 rule?" She told them "Ms. Eileen don't put up with no junk." At this time Parker raised his hand and said, "Ms. Eileen it is ANY JUNK." She was so humored that she told us the story. She said, "he was right." We were just all very surprised that even said that.
With a four and a soon to be six year old....why should we ever be surprised with anything that comes out of their mouth!

Today we stopped by Tim and Connie's house. Tim has a interesting hobby. He recovers old books and Bibles. He is recovering my Bible for me. It has seen better days, and who wants to break in a new Bible, right? Connie had some chocolate cake just out of the oven for the boys. They were happy with the milk and cake. Who wouldn't be?? The creme de la creme was they have a new addition to their house and they have an elevator in their home...The boys thought this was the best! They were able to go up and down WITHOUT ANY adults on the elevator. They KNEW they were hot stuff... You gotta love free entertainment, right? Anyway, thanks for the fun time at your house!

The boys are "siesta ING" right now...Doesn't sound half bad. I might have to do the same. ..
Later people.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Who cares who Jessica Simpson is dating...or should I call it Don't hurt the midgets

Just chill'n here watching a little TIA (that is what Aubrey used to call the T.V.)
I turn the channel and have now heard SEVERAL times within a few minutes numerous stories about Jessica Simpson her EX and who she is dating etc. Do American viewers have a life? I guess I don't, because I was actually watching some of it...Very sad.

Speaking of sad I am sitting hear on the computer not paying attention to what's on TV AND I look up and see Jerry Springer on TV. Now that is sad people. Just in case you are wandering todays topic..."Don't hurt the midget." Apparently the man (the short person) is arguing with his ex (regular size person -they had a child together..) Now he is with a new skank ( I mean girl) and he is trying to propose to her, but EX is upset and keeps attacking them while he tries to propose to #2 girl. This is very entertaining. Sad, but funny. This makes my life very Beaver and Wally "ish."
Well, the house is QUIET.........Chelle took the boys up to her parents for the evening. We are meeing some friends for dinner at Carabba's (my favorite!!!!) We will have to pick up the little darlings after dinner, but I KNOW they will be WAY tired! (I am counting on that!)

NEWS FLASH..............Mr. Midget is not arguing with his EX. It is his sister. She is mad, because new girl is taking advantage of short man 'cause he "gots" tons of money. I normally don't watch this show, so don't think I am too bad of a person. HA HA (like you know you've all taken a peek at this intellectual TV viewing....HA

This reminds me of a funny thing. While working at Delta I had Jerry Springer on a flight to Rome several times. (he told me he had a home there) Anyway, we used to board the peeps in business class first..then the main cabin. Jerry was sitting right next to the counter in the gate, and I was talking to the other agents as well as him...We decided we wanted to change the boarding announcement for that day only to be heard as "ladies and gentlemen at this time we would like to begin boarding for Delta flight 70 nonstop service to Rome. Before boarding business class...we would like to board JERRY JERRY JERRY!" He laughed, and thought that was funny. He replied, but I don't have any bouncers here to stop the fools from fighting...HA

Anyway, I hope this blog has been inspiring and uplifting. HA.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Labor and gone!!

Hello people. Long time no blog! All is going well. We drove up to Louisville, KY for the holiday weekend. My sister and her family live there. It wasn't too bad a drive. On the way back we stopped at a McDonalds in Chattanooga to see an old friend! JLUx2 (one of our blog buddies) I hadn't seen her in about 11 years! Michelle did fly up to see her in PA about 5 years ago. She did this when I worked at Delta, and we did the whole stand by flying thing......
Well, I got me a new toy. I bought me a new laptop which I will be able to use a lot for work. I just got hooked up with the wireless internet for the house. This is a good thing as Martha Stewart would say! I am just chill'n on the sofa with the boys as they watch Tom and Jerry. You can't get any better than that people!!
Anyway, I know most people probably already have this capability, but we are happy to finally get with the times.
Tracey in Montgomery................Happy belated 40th B-day!!! I so meant to wish you a happy B-day on the actual day. Sorry for the delay.
Later People.

Labor and gone!!

Hello people. Long time no blog! All is going well. We drove up to Louisville, KY for the holiday weekend. My sister and her family live there. It wasn't too bad a drive. On the way back we stopped at a McDonalds in Chattanooga to see an old friend! JLUx2 (one of our blog buddies) I hadn't seen her in about 11 years! Michelle did fly up to see her in PA about 5 years ago. She did this when I worked at Delta, and we did the whole stand by flying thing......
Well, I got me a new toy. I bought me a new laptop which I will be able to use a lot for work. I just got hooked up with the wireless internet for the house. This is a good thing as Martha Stewart would say! I am just chill'n on the sofa with the boys as they watch Tom and Jerry. You can't get any better than that people!!
Anyway, I know most people probably already have this capability, but we are happy to finally get with the times.
Tracey in Montgomery................Happy belated 40th B-day!!! I so meant to wish you a happy B-day on the actual day. Sorry for the delay.
Later People.

About me

  • I'm TOM
  • From Atlanta, Georgia, United States
  • I am Married to Michelle & we have 2 boys! I was born in Japan, and spent most of my childhood there. Yes, I speak Japanese & YES I love sushi! I love to travel, but that doesn't happen as much now that I don't work at Delta anymore... I love music..all kinds. I like to consider myself loyal and dependable. I like to think of myself as fun and easygoing. It seems that some of my "friends" think I need therapy. Hey, that might not be a bad idea!! :) Life is too short to be a grump....HAVE FUN EACH DAY!!!
My profile